Crazy Facts About Animals
THE PEACOCK MANTIS SHRIMP CAN THROW A PUNCH. One of the fun facts about animals that look innocent like the platypus are their strange.
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Animals are amazing things.

Crazy facts about animals. At Frontier HQ we are fascinated by all things nature and so we have put together a list of all of the very best and most interesting and downright funny facts about animals we could find. Interesting Facts about the Animals Fact NO 1 There are various species of insects existing on this planet earth. 22- Dariya horse Hippopotomas is one of the very few animals that give birth to children in the water.
More than 300 species of spiders are known to mimic the outward appearance of ants a phenomenon called myrmecomorphy. 10 Crazy Facts You Didnt Know About Animals Did you know that many tree frogs freeze in the winter and spring back to life in the warmer months. And believe it or not axolotls can regrow lost limbs and even grow new ones.
Or that kiwis are practically blind and forage mainly by smell. Grizzly bears have been clocked running at up to 30 miles per hour. As silly as platypuses look you certainly wouldnt want to get on the bad side of one.
About Animal Testing Web Accessed February 18 2015. These are some of the most common knowledge about our favorite animals. 6 Fun facts about spiders Some spiders disguise themselves as ants by pretending their two front legs are antennae.
Ostriches can run faster than horses and the males can roar like lions. Nature is just full of surprises and weird animal facts. Water conditions dictate how a barnacles penis develops.
Dogs are friendly and playful. 92 of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials because they are too dangerous or dont work. The ornate narrow-mouthed frog is a tiny animal only 25 centimeters 1 in long.
The longest-living Galapagos tortoise lived to be 152. This one of the best interesting facts about animals. On an estimation the number ranges between 20 to 30 million.
Male barnacles have one of the longest penises relative to their size of any animal up to eight times their body length. Image via National Geographic. Horses and cows sleep while standing up.
Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses. The mosquito has 47 teeth the whale shark has more than 4500 and the catfish has 9280. A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand.
Specific Circus Fact Sheets Web Accessed February 18 2015. It can be found in the forests and savannas of Southeast Asia often making a home under a bed of fallen leavesor if there arent any leaves handy inside a giant stinking mound of elephant dung. All of us are unique and sometimes very unusual in our behavior.
See more amphibian pictures. Arm yourself with trivia from the animal kingdom. Rats breed so quickly that in just 18 months 2 rats could have created over 1 million relatives.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Here are 300 of the best fun random facts about animals. Dolphins are the smartest sea creatures and elephants have amazing memory span.
People for the Ethical Treatment of. Over 100 million animals are burned crippled poisoned and abused in US labs every year. TRAINED PIGEONS CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PAINTINGS OF PABLO PICASSO AND CLAUDE MONET.
Cats are dominant and impulsive. Cruelty for a Buck Web Accessed February 18 2015. Elephant dung as it turns out makes a great home so long as you can handle the smell.
Weird animal facts 21- Almost all the species of most spiders preserve some food in their body and it can live for about 7 to 8 months during its lifetime without eating and drinking. Thats just one of our amazing animal facts. The heart of the hummingbird like that of the canary beats up to a thousand times a minute.
Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart. More fun animal facts. The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.
Bored Panda has chosen a few of the more unexpected animal facts with which you can definitely blow you colleagues minds. 7 Poisonous frogs get poison from their diet. The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal.
Lets leave this question open for now though as theres a list of animal trivia and fun facts about animals waiting for you below. At 188 decibels the noise can be detected over 800 kilometres away.
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